Primary Candidate Interviews Begin Today

Mail ballots are out to voters.Early voting is not far off and the Primary Election is August 18.We’ll begin our candidate interviews for the cycle with the Congressional District-8 seat that’s currently held by Bill Posey. Bill’s opponent, Scott Caine, will join us at 7:42 and Congressman Posey will be with us at 8:42.

We’ll begin our day with an update on Friday’s discussion on the Smithsonian and its racist publication on whiteness.It seems a little discussion was exactly what was necessary.

One California church is standing up and defying mandates to close.We’ll see what’s happening.

IN A HANDBASKET will take us back to Seattle and we may squeeze in Portland if we have time.

The debate over returning students to their schools is ongoing.There is information that it’s not the risk that some would claim.Masks are the focal point for area retailers and governments.More cities are joining the mandate fad and America’s CEO’s are coming together to suggest masks as policy for their businesses.

SpaceX has another launch attempt scheduled for this evening.The launch window opens at 5pm and lasts until almost 9pm. Weather is projected to be 70% go for the launch.


Smithsonian update-racism lessons learned?

Church- won’t be marginalized anymore

In a Handbasket:

·Race by the numbers-Seattle PD stands up

Portland wants Feds out

Yet, RIOT is the rule in Portland

School science- send them back to school!

Student spread of virus is rare

West Melbourne joins mask mandates

CEO’s want to mandate masks

Biden’s America- Al Gore-ing his way to the election?

Defund cops, get what you might expect

Publix, led by Walmart, requiring masks

Georgia has the right idea on masks

State Board/Commissioner sending mixed messages on reopening schools

Supreme Court stops FL felon voting…for now

Mail ballot lawsuit dropped

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